dotnet Interview Questions and Answers

Asp.Net C# interview Questions for freshers

Q. Explain namespaces in C# programming?
A. Namespaces are containers for the classes. We will use namespaces for grouping the related classes in C#. “Using” keyword can be used for using the namespace in other namespace.

Q. What is .Net Framework?
A. The .NET framework is a programming framework from Microsoft. Developers can use .Net Framework to develop applications, install and run the application on Windows operating systems.
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Q. What is Common Language Runtime (CLR)?
A. Common Language Runtime or CLR is the run-time execution environment of .Net Framework. Converting MS-IL into platform or OS specific code is done by the CLR.

Q. What is Common Type System (CTS) C# web applications?
A. .Net uses Common Type System (CTS) for Language Interoperability. CTS defines the predefined data types that are available in IL, so that all languages that target the .NET framework will produce the compiled code that is ultimately based on these types. CTS ensures that a data type defined in a will be understood by C#. For example, VB.Net uses “Integer” to define the data type Integer. C# uses  “int” to define the data type Integer. When VB.Net code is compiled, it will convert the Integer to Int32. Since C# refers Int to Int32, VB.Net code will be understood by C#

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Q. What is Common Language Specification (CLS)?
A. Common Language Specification (CLS) is used for Language Interoperability in tandem with CTS to ensure the interoperability of the languages. CLS defines a set of minimum standards that all compilers targeting dot net must support. For example, VB.Net is not case sensitive. So attribute “EmployeeName” and “employeename” is considered same. But C# is case sensitive. So for language interoperability, C# doesn't allow two variables which differ only in case.

Q. What is Garbage Collector in c#?
A. Garbage Collector is used in dot net Framework for memory management. While running an application, applications make a request for memory for its internal use. Framework allocates memory from the heap. Once the process is completed, allocated memory needs to be reclaimed for future use. The process of reclaiming unused memory is taken care by the Garbage Collector in

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