HTML Editors List | Html5 tutorial for beginners

HTML5 Editors for HTML forms

HTML Editors

Editors to write HTML forms

In Windows : Notepad

To go to run -> and type string as notepad and enter

Once opened the notepad write simple HTML form and save as filename with extension of .html and open using any web browser

for example: google chrome , Mozilla firefox, internet explorer these are the most popular web browsers.

To see the output of the written sample HTML code on browser.

html5 tutorial for freshers

Editors for Linux Environment
HTML5 Editors for Linux

In Linux / Unix : vi Editor or Cat to create a .html file

Creating a file using “$cat” command in Linux / Unix type open source operating systems.

To go to Terminal “$” prompt enter the following command $cat > testhtml.html

and then press enter

write HTML basic code here save and exit.

Open file on your browser and check you will see welcome message or written on sample page ..

Creating a file using “$vi” editor command in Linux / Unix type open source operating systems.

To go to Terminal “$” prompt enter the following command

$vi testhtml.html

and then press enter

write HTML5 basic code here save and exit.

Open testhtml.html file on your browser and check you will see welcome message or written on sample page ..

That’s It..
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