Python django Interview Questions and Answers

Professional Python Questions and Answers

Q. How you will read a random line in a file using python?
A. We can read a random line in a file using a module named ‘random’.
For example:
import random
def read_random(fname):
lines = open(fname).read().splitlines()
return random.choice(lines)
print(read_random (‘hello.txt’)).

Q. Write a Python program to count the total number of lines in a text file?
A. def file_count(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
for i, 1 in enumerate(f):
return i+1
print(“Total number of lines in the text file: ”, file_count(“file.txt”))
Python Interview

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Q. Tell me any 4 type conversions in Python?
A. int() – converts any data type into integer type
float() – converts any data type into float type
ord() – converts characters into integer
hex() – converts integers to hexadecimal.

Q. What is Dict and List comprehensions are?
A. They are syntax constructions to ease the creation of a Dictionary or List based on existing iterable.

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Q. What is lambda in Python?
A. It is a single expression anonymous function often used as inline function.

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