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Google Sheets Data Formatting: Examples and Usage

Google Sheets provides a variety of formatting options that allow you to customize the appearance of your data, making it easier to read, understand, and present. Proper data formatting enhances clarity and helps convey information effectively. In this article, we will explore some of the key data formatting features in Google Sheets and provide examples to demonstrate their usage.

Number Formatting

Google Sheets offers various number formatting options to display numerical data in the desired format:

  • Number: Displays numbers as regular numerical values.
  • Currency: Formats numbers as currency values, with symbols and decimal places.
  • Percentage: Represents numbers as percentages, multiplying them by 100 and adding a percentage sign (%).
  • Date and Time: Formats cells to display dates or times in the desired format, such as day/month/year or hour:minute AM/PM.
  • Scientific Notation: Formats large or small numbers using scientific notation.

Cell Formatting

In addition to number formatting, Google Sheets provides various cell formatting options to customize the appearance of cells:

  • Font Styles: Change the font type, size, and color to enhance readability and visual appeal.
  • Borders: Apply borders to cells or ranges to separate data or highlight specific areas.
  • Background Colors: Use background colors to differentiate cells or highlight important information.
  • Text Alignment: Align text horizontally or vertically within cells to improve readability and presentation.
  • Conditional Formatting: Apply formatting rules based on specific conditions to highlight cells that meet certain criteria.

Example: Formatting Data in Google Sheets

Let's consider an example where you have a Google Sheets spreadsheet containing sales data:

  • Apply the currency format to the sales column to display sales figures with the appropriate currency symbol and decimal places.
  • Change the font style of the headers to make them stand out.
  • Add borders around the table to separate it from other content.
  • Apply conditional formatting to highlight cells with sales figures exceeding a certain threshold.

By applying these formatting techniques, you can make your data more visually appealing and easier to interpret.


Data formatting in Google Sheets is a powerful tool for enhancing the appearance and readability of your spreadsheet. By utilizing number formatting options, cell formatting features, and conditional formatting, you can customize the display of your data, making it more visually appealing and easier to understand. Experiment with different formatting options, explore additional features, and apply them to your own data to improve its presentation and clarity. Proper data formatting helps convey information effectively and allows you to present your insights with impact.








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